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The goal of the game is to direct light beams of the right color on the sensors. Once every sensor of the level at once is lit by a light beam of the right color, the level is completed and you can play the next one.


In each level, you will have to move some elements on the board. Those elements are called "widgets". Widgets can be moved around, but not modified in any way (no change of color, no rotation...)

You can move widgets around by clicking on them and dragging them around the board. Widgets cannot overlap, but you can move one over another without needing to go around it.

Drag example 1 ⇒  Drag example 2 ⇒  Drag example 3

A very few specific widgets cannot be moved, such as sensors and walls.

Here are all available widgets:

Light Sources
Light Source Widget These widgets each emit a single white beam, in a single direction.
Light Source Widget Screenshot
Mirror Widget Mirrors will reflect any light beam with a 90° angle.
Mirror Widget Screenshot
Filter Widget These colored widgets modify the color of any white beam that runs through them. If a colored beam of the same color as the filter reaches it, it will go through unchanged. If a colored beam of a different color than the filter reaches it, it will be blocked by the filter.
Filter Widget Screenshot
Tee Widget These are T-shaped widgets. When a beam reaches a tee on the right side (the "vertical" section of the T), the widget will emit two beams along the "horizontal" direction of the T.
Tee Widget Screenshot
Prism Widget Those widgets will take a white beam from their white side and emit three light beams of different colors (red, blue and yellow) in the other directions. If a colored beam reaches the white side or any beam reaches a colored side of the prism, it won't emit any light.
Prism Widget Screenshot
Sensor Widget These widgets cannot be moved and need to receive a light beam of the adequate color to complete a level. A sensor touched by a light beam of the right color will look brighter.
Sensor Widget Screenshot
Wall Widget Walls obviously block light beams, take up space and cannot be moved.
Wall Widget Screenshot
